Wednesday, May 12, 2010

ITS A BOY!!!!!

Really now?

The cutest face you ever did see!
As you can see HE was NOT shy about showing us exactly what gender he was! Ultrasound: Probably the coolest experience of my life. The nurse was really helpful in telling us exactly what we were looking at, especially since sometimes it kinda looked like an alien was inside me (not to mention thats how it feels!). I could see Luke do a little fist-pump when he saw that it was a boy and I was really happy too. Mostly because I felt like it was a boy, so I was pretty glad to see that I do have motherly instincts...contrary to popular belief.
Really though, it is making this whole pregnancy thing, much more real. And thats a little scary. Like, soon this little guy is going to have a name?! Aaaah! But it was also very reassuring to see that everything was developing and progressing as it should be and yadayadayada.
We bought everyone at the office pizza to celebrate...even though most people were pretty disappointed that it wasn't a puppy like I had been telling them it was. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Milestone #214

I hit a wonderful milestone on Sunday....someone actually asked me when I was due! Which means....a.)I must be looking somewhat pregnant and; b.) that was one brave lady...I would never ask someone when they were due unless they looked like they were about to pop.

In my suspicion, I asked Luke once we got home if he had told her while I was getting a drink at the fountain. He said no and I officially welcomed myself into the pregnancy club. :)

Now....only 1.5 more days before I can officially say, "Oh! I'm due September 29th and we're having a _____!"

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oh no! Anxiety!

I think I mentioned previously (or meant to at least) that the first trimester really is chock full of anxiety. Not only is it the time when the baby is most vulnerable to stress, environment and other harmful stuff, but it is also before you can tell that anything is really growing in there. Scary stuff. That being said, I really do wish that the anxiety would magically disappear once the second trimester starts. And to think, this blog post all started with face wash.

See here's the thing. Last night, I'm washing my abnormally gross face (hormones are delightful) and I'm scrubbing away and out of the corner of my eye I see two small words: salicylic acid...Acid hhmmmm?

So my mind goes nuts thinking that this can't be good for bambino and where do I turn? The trusty, rusty internet of course. And the internet, as we all know, is a double-edged sword. It contains every bit of information you could ever want or need but it also has a lotta crap out there that can really mess with your mind. As I soon found out.

Here's what I found: Salicylic acid can cause serious to absolutely no damage to feti depending on what website you went to. Sigh. Of course most sites agreed to stay away from it in pill form and limit use on your skin, thats still not very comforting to a paranoid almost-mom.

But this little incident brought on a very first-trimester-like anxiety attack that has yet to pass. At least it gave me a good excuse to buy some natural face wash! eh? eh? eh.

There is something about the overload of information that is so readily available that make me wonder how children were born 20 years ago. My mom called me crazy when I told her I wasn't supposed to have deli meat. She had never heard that before in her life but lo and behold the internet provides me with one more thing to stress about. Pepperoni? Can't have that. Soft Cheeses? Nope. Caffeine? Maaaybe (and I take full advantage of that 'maybe'!). So I know that I should just chill out but when the internet and other resources gives me every reason to feel anxious about everything that comes near my body, its hard! So basically, this is just a rant. An internet bashing session, if you will. Which seems pretty hypocritical since I'm on the internet RIGHT NOW. But whatever :)
Everything is going to be just fine: My new mantra as I stick my fingers in my ears and go, "lalalalal!" really loudly :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Delightful World of Cravings

Today's topic: Cravings. Which is totally on my mind as I'm eating Flaming Hot Cheetos at 10:30am. So as I sit here, mouth delightfully on fire, I am pondering why. WHY am I craving anything and everything spicy in food form? My semi-formed conclusion is that my body is not in desperate need of some essential nutrient only found in spicy foods as some people might suggest, but rather that my mind has grabbed on to the excuse that since I am pregnant I am allowed to, nay supposed to, eat anything I want whenever I want. Its a beautiful thing.

Before I got pregnant I was trying to be super healthy. Like fuits and vegetables healthy. As soon as I got the positive plus-sign on the stick, all that went out the window. Every inkling for any kind of food no matter how strange was immediately satisfied. Of course that means I've put on a couple extra pounds, but its all for a good cause, right?

This isn't to say that I've never had weird cravings though....Luke always said he dreaded the day I became pregnant because if I so thoroughly enjoyed salt and vinegar potato chips and queso dip without hormonal influence, then I think he assumed I'd want like, raw meat or something while pregnant. Anywho, I digress.

But there is a strange phenomenon out in this wide world that I don't think even scientists could explain: women who crave healthy things while pregnant. Like fruit. And vegetables. Are they just sitting up there on their pedestal secretly (or openly) laughing at us unhealthy heathens as we dunk our pickles into ice cream? Is it just a big scam that they tell everyone they just craaave the healthiest things but when alone just go nuts on a package of doritos and oreos? I'm thinking the latter is the most likely scenario.

Which is why the book I purchased, "Eating Well While You're Expecting" is complete scam. What it should be called is, "Eating Well While You're Expecting: A Cover" so that you can just carry it around and pretend to eat healthy while you secretly don' my opinion.

So, in conclusion, I aim to feel almost guiltless as I scarf down whatever I want within reason. I don't want to be one of those people who gains 100 unsheddable pounds the first go-round. But at the same time, if this baby wants spicy junk, thats what its gonna get. Garlic? I'm going for it. Salty snacks? Yup, I'm there.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Beginning...

...of this blog. Where I aim to chronicle all of life's crazy ups, downs and sideways that occurs when you are with child, pregnant, prego, in a family way, knocked up, cookin' a bun in the oven....what have you. So far, our adventure has been a surprising one. Surprising because this fetus bouncing around inside me kind of came out of left field. Nonetheless, Luke and I are very excited to welcome the bundle of joy come the end of September.

You might be sad to find out that I haven't chronicled any of my first trimester adventures. That's because I was napping Rip Van Winkle style through most of it. That, and there's not much attractive to say about the first trimester. You get emotional, tired, and cranky. You grow out of your jeans (which adds to the crankiness) but instead of getting this cute little belly all of a sudden, you just look like you ate too much. Then there's the bloating, constipation, and sweatiness. Yeah, not much glamourous about those first few months and as such, I choose to omit them completely. Like they never happened. EVER.

Not that I'm in a completely glamourous state right now, though. 19weeks, and I'm just starting to grow into the, "ooooh, she's pregnant!" stage and out of the, "Did she put on weight?" stage. But its definitely not all bad, the little babykins (or bambino, as Luke and I so affectionitely call it) feels like he's trying to kick his way out of my uterus every once in a while. Plus, materninty clothes are pretty cute (but freaking expensive!), even though I know I'll outgrow them in like 3 months.

You might also notice the gender neutral background of this blog, and correctly so. We have not yet found out the gender of this baby...and so for the next week and two days (!!!!) shall remain an "it". Poor thing.

This is just an intro. Updates to come hopefully weekly....When I chronicle, I go all out :)