Today's topic: Cravings. Which is totally on my mind as I'm eating Flaming Hot Cheetos at 10:30am. So as I sit here, mouth delightfully on fire, I am pondering why. WHY am I craving anything and everything spicy in food form? My semi-formed conclusion is that my body is not in desperate need of some essential nutrient only found in spicy foods as some people might suggest, but rather that my mind has grabbed on to the excuse that since I am pregnant I am allowed to, nay supposed to, eat anything I want whenever I want. Its a beautiful thing.
Before I got pregnant I was trying to be super healthy. Like fuits and vegetables healthy. As soon as I got the positive plus-sign on the stick, all that went out the window. Every inkling for any kind of food no matter how strange was immediately satisfied. Of course that means I've put on a couple extra pounds, but its all for a good cause, right?
This isn't to say that I've never had weird cravings though....Luke always said he dreaded the day I became pregnant because if I so thoroughly enjoyed salt and vinegar potato chips and queso dip without hormonal influence, then I think he assumed I'd want like, raw meat or something while pregnant. Anywho, I digress.
But there is a strange phenomenon out in this wide world that I don't think even scientists could explain: women who crave healthy things while pregnant. Like fruit. And vegetables. Are they just sitting up there on their pedestal secretly (or openly) laughing at us unhealthy heathens as we dunk our pickles into ice cream? Is it just a big scam that they tell everyone they just craaave the healthiest things but when alone just go nuts on a package of doritos and oreos? I'm thinking the latter is the most likely scenario.
Which is why the book I purchased, "Eating Well While You're Expecting" is complete scam. What it should be called is, "Eating Well While You're Expecting: A Cover" so that you can just carry it around and pretend to eat healthy while you secretly don' my opinion.
So, in conclusion, I aim to feel almost guiltless as I scarf down whatever I want within reason. I don't want to be one of those people who gains 100 unsheddable pounds the first go-round. But at the same time, if this baby wants spicy junk, thats what its gonna get. Garlic? I'm going for it. Salty snacks? Yup, I'm there.
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