...of this blog. Where I aim to chronicle all of life's crazy ups, downs and sideways that occurs when you are with child, pregnant, prego, in a family way, knocked up, cookin' a bun in the oven....what have you. So far, our adventure has been a surprising one. Surprising because this fetus bouncing around inside me kind of came out of left field. Nonetheless, Luke and I are very excited to welcome the bundle of joy come the end of September.
You might be sad to find out that I haven't chronicled any of my first trimester adventures. That's because I was napping Rip Van Winkle style through most of it. That, and there's not much attractive to say about the first trimester. You get emotional, tired, and cranky. You grow out of your jeans (which adds to the crankiness) but instead of getting this cute little belly all of a sudden, you just look like you ate too much. Then there's the bloating, constipation, and sweatiness. Yeah, not much glamourous about those first few months and as such, I choose to omit them completely. Like they never happened. EVER.
Not that I'm in a completely glamourous state right now, though. 19weeks, and I'm just starting to grow into the, "ooooh, she's pregnant!" stage and out of the, "Did she put on weight?" stage. But its definitely not all bad, the little babykins (or bambino, as Luke and I so affectionitely call it) feels like he's trying to kick his way out of my uterus every once in a while. Plus, materninty clothes are pretty cute (but freaking expensive!), even though I know I'll outgrow them in like 3 months.
You might also notice the gender neutral background of this blog, and correctly so. We have not yet found out the gender of this baby...and so for the next week and two days (!!!!)....it shall remain an "it". Poor thing.
This is just an intro. Updates to come hopefully weekly....When I chronicle, I go all out :)
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