Wednesday, May 12, 2010

ITS A BOY!!!!!

Really now?

The cutest face you ever did see!
As you can see HE was NOT shy about showing us exactly what gender he was! Ultrasound: Probably the coolest experience of my life. The nurse was really helpful in telling us exactly what we were looking at, especially since sometimes it kinda looked like an alien was inside me (not to mention thats how it feels!). I could see Luke do a little fist-pump when he saw that it was a boy and I was really happy too. Mostly because I felt like it was a boy, so I was pretty glad to see that I do have motherly instincts...contrary to popular belief.
Really though, it is making this whole pregnancy thing, much more real. And thats a little scary. Like, soon this little guy is going to have a name?! Aaaah! But it was also very reassuring to see that everything was developing and progressing as it should be and yadayadayada.
We bought everyone at the office pizza to celebrate...even though most people were pretty disappointed that it wasn't a puppy like I had been telling them it was. :)

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